Every one of the treasonous bastards you see in this photo (except Christopher Steele) took an oath of office as a United States federal employee. If you are unaware, here is the oath everyone of them knowingly signed and should be held accountable for violating. The oath “I, { name }, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Who takes the oath? This oath of office for federal employees applies to all people involved with the federal government except for the President (the office has its own oath). So, Supreme Court justices, members of the House of Representatives the Senate, and even the Vice President all take the same oath. Furthermore, all civilian employees and government officials take the same oath prescribed by the constitution as the military (differs only in that it includes allegiance to the chain of command). No more and no less. Let’s break it down a little...
Of course, if you have violated your oath of office, like the group pictured above, you most likely committed other crimes as well (espionage, theft, treason, sedition, etc.). I’m assuming that those crimes would have much longer prison terms or in some cases "death by hanging until you are dead!" IF ONLY OUR EXECUTIVE BRANCH WOULD FOLLOW THE LAW! Don’t worry though, even when you take the oath, you can still keep your side hustle if you work for the federal government because in most cases, federal government “executive branch employees can have a second job if it does not create a conflict of interest.” Ha...Ha...Ha... Does anyone even know or care what a conflict of interest is anymore? I do, so let's take a look... What is a conflict of interest in the eyes of our Federal Government? A conflict of interest occurs when an employee or volunteer has a personal or business interest that conflicts with their professional obligations or responsibilities to the organization. What are the two types of conflicts of interest? Conflict of interest can happen in the form of conflict in fact, or conflict in appearance. Conflict in fact occurs when the employee or volunteer of a grantee or subgrantee is responsible for decisions, approval, recommendations, or disapproval concerning any of the following people or groups:
Conflict in appearance occurs when an employee or a volunteer of a grantee or sub grantee takes actions that create the appearance that they are:
The Durham Report Everything Durham said in his report had already been said. But because no one was listening, it is necessary to start again and say it once more. We already knew that James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Michael Sussmann, Kevin Clinesmith, and all the other characters in and around the Russia Collusion Delusion had fabricated the story of Trump’s supposed connection with Russia out of whole cloth. It was simply an exercise in projection in violation of their oath! We already knew that they had gone out of their way to protect Hillary Clinton. "No prosecutor would prosecute." Little did we know when it came to Jan 6th they prosecuted everything including stuff they made up. We knew that there was no predicate for obtaining a FISA warrant against Carter Page (one of many thousands of such warrants), thus opening a back door into the Trump campaign. We knew that the surveillance apparatus of the regime had been weaponized to prevent Donald Trump from being elected and then, when he surprised everyone by winning anyway, to taint his administration and render him radioactive. These traitors took oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and then proceeded to violate their oath and are therefore subject to prosecution to uphold the rule of law and defend our Liberty. Did you know the death sentences imposed in October 1946 at the Nuremburg Trials were carried out by Master Sergeant John C. Woods (1903-50), who told a reporter from Time magazine that he was proud of his work. "The way I look at this hanging job, somebody has to do it . . . 10 men in 103 minutes. That's fast work." And JUSTICE WAS DELIVERED! What should we make of Durham’s non-revelatory revelations? I think that, wittingly or not, they were just a big exercise in track-covering, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Well, nothing beyond the sound and fury, anyway. It is a dark day for our Constitutional Republic if we cannot bring these traitors to justice! BRING ON POENA MORTIS NOW!
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AuthorBill Olson Archives
January 2025