The Role of a State Delegate.
In our Caucus/Convention system your role is an important one. As a state delegate, you not only vet and select candidates for federal and statewide office, but you also vote for the leadership of the State Party, and on all motions and or resolutions brought before the body at convention.
SOME THINGS TO CONSIDER: You are a member of a Deliberative Assembly As a deliberative assembly, our state delegates meet at our state convention to determine, in full and free discussion, election of our state candidates and courses of action to be taken by our Party. To hold more efficient meetings and respect the opinion of each member, we adhere to the rules of parliamentary procedure. We understand parliamentary procedure cannot guarantee that every member will be pleased with the outcome of any decision; rather, by utilizing the expertise of a Professional Registered Parliamentarian along with an informed Presiding officer, every member can find satisfaction in the manner by which the decision was made, and that the decisions were made efficiently with consideration for every member’s opinion. If we truly understand the process, disagreement is healthy, and helps the organization make the best decision if voting and debate is approached fairly and consistently.
For me, integrity is fundamental to the Utah Republican Party. Integrity means doing what is right. By acting with integrity, we reflect positively on the values and reputation of the Party and its brand. In order to do what is right, for ourselves and for the Utah Republican Party, we all must follow the rule of law, act with integrity and honesty in all matters, enforce our rules and be accountable for our actions. What business are we in? The Weber County Republican Party of Utah (WCRGOP) is in the business of electing state, county and local candidates who support the Republican Party Platform. What will we do? We seek to improve the well-being of all citizens of the county, by promoting principles set forth in the county, state, and national Republican Party Platforms and electing candidates willing to do the same. How will we do it? By organizing likeminded citizens, we will;
Our Mission Statement: Build a robust Republican Party in Weber County by electing strong leadership willing to educate our SCC representatives, County delegates, State delegates and Weber County voters on the value of their participation in our caucus-convention system by strengthening and improving the caucus-convention process... No...Thanksgiving is not about Genocide or Violence...
The Pilgrims struggling to survive at Plymouth Plantation learned the importance of private property first-hand in 1623 when Governor Bradford adopted a free-enterprise system after just two years of communal sharing. Their experiment with socialism revealed valuable lessons that inspired the colony to shift to a free-market economic system that would serve as the foundation upon which America would grow into a great and prosperous nation. As the Pilgrims learned, societies that respect property and the rule of law capture the benefits of free-market enterprise and enjoy high levels of prosperity. The benefit that we see from free markets is contingent on individuals having the right to own and protect property and to benefit from their labor. “The settlers now began to consider corn more precious than silver” – Governor William Bradford Plymouth Plantation was an experiment. Disgruntled members of the Old World left behind oppressive governments in search of a New World – both in terms of land as well as social, political and economic systems. The Pilgrims arrived at what would become the Plymouth Plantation in the late fall of 1620 and immediately implemented a communal labor system for the colony... “When you’re talking about waste heat, every business, every industry, is generating some sort of energy byproduct, some sort of heat; it’s going up in smokestacks and nobody is using it. And the question is, can we capture that energy and use it in a smart way? That’s what ElectraTherm is all about.” - US President Barack Obama
September 11, 2001 changed me, as it did many of us, forever. Prior to that fateful day, I was involved with a Silicon Valley Marketing firm I had founded with a partner while owning and operating the Players West Tour, a women’s professional developmental golf tour fielding tournaments to prepare young professionals for a chance at the LPGA tour. Too old to volunteer for military service, I directed my energy (anger) at ways in which I could help my country in the wake of the attack. Drawing from my college days of studying oil politics in the Middle East, I decided to utilize my business development skills and get into the energy business. I was anxious to do something…anything to improve my country’s chances to survive in the post 9/11 world. With very limited knowledge of energy and the way it was used in America, I began my research to determine how I could make a difference…or even if I could make a difference... The Utah Republican Party Platform is a statement of our principles and values. What does that mean and why is it important? “Principles are the internal rules we live by while values provide the general guidelines for our conduct within those rules.” So, a principle is a moral rule or belief that helps us know what is right and wrong, and a value describes the personal qualities we choose to guide our actions.
What happens when personal and political interests get in the way of our stated values and principles? You get the modern-day Utah Republican Party. When we as a party focus solely on electing Republicans, we are pursuing our political interest to control congress and the legislature. However, if we are unwilling to strongly voice foundational principles and values that underlie these political interests, we become a joke. Just look at the dumpster fire electing Mitt Romney has created... Seriously...what are the PCR tests testing for?
Virology is the study of viruses and viral diseases. Viruses are microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside a host body so, they don’t benefit by killing the host. Viruses contain the key elements that make up all living organisms, DNA (some contain RNA but never both). The primary role of the virus is to deliver its DNA or RNA genome into the host cell so the genome can be expressed by the host cell. This is when our immune system responds to produce anti-bodies and proteins to do battle. The more the virus genome is expressed, the more it multiplies...the more it multiplies the sicker you get...if it multiplies too much...and you have comorbidity health issues, it could kill. To determine whether a person has a virus, or for that matter which virus, you must test for its presence. To test for its presence, you must identify exactly what you are looking for. To say with any degree of certainty that something exists, you must first determine its origins and uniqueness in nature. You can’t say you have identified a piece of a unicorn…if you haven’t confirmed one actually exists. How do you confirm one exists? You identify it by its DNA or RNA molecules which contain elements of uniqueness not found in any other living organism... VETERANS DAY 2021 - My Father served with A Company, 1st Marine Division, 1st Engineers in Korea at Inchon, the Battle for Seoul and Chosin Reservoir. Here is an article depicting a typical Marine Rifle Company in Korea.
Daily News, Los Angeles Thursday October 26, 1950 13 Purple Hearts, 4 graves tell the story of Rifle Squad WONSAN, Korea, Oct 26 – There were 13 of them when the squad pulled out of San Diego, and today only five are left. Thirteen Purple Hearts – and wooden crosses over 4 graves – tell the story of their war... REAFFIRMATION OF STATES' RIGHTS (Republican Party Platform)
We oppose congressional, judicial, and executive abrogation of the principle that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. We oppose unreasonable and intrusive federal mandates. Are Mandatory Vaccines Constitutional? The politicization by the left of the Coronavirus is seriously encumbering our inalienable rights protected by the Constitution. As ratified, our Constitution does not permit the government to infringe upon these inalienable rights, no matter the emergency or pandemic. These rights are granted by God, not by government so they cannot be infringed. State or Local law enforcement are not the personal militias of the Governor or any other elected official. Many police and law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others acting as public officials have over-stepped these constitutional boundaries to combat the Coronavirus. It must stop. The electorate must be reminded that the rule of law stands, and no one is above the law... THE PROPER ROLE OF GOVERNMENT (Republican Party Platform) “We believe government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. The function of government is not to grant rights, but to protect the unalienable, God-given rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.” What are the origins of our freedoms we have come to know as human rights? Rights are either God-given as part of the divine plan, or they are granted by government as part of the political plan. Reason, necessity, tradition, and religious convictions all lead me to accept the divine origin of these rights. Because, if we accept the premise that human rights are granted by government, then we must be willing to accept the corollary that they can be denied by government... The National Republican Party added this statement to its Platform in 2016:
“A single nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude over this country would collapse our electrical grid and other critical infrastructures and endanger the lives of millions. With North Korea in possession of nuclear missiles and Iran close to having them, an EMP is no longer a theoretical concern — it is a real threat. Moreover, China and Russia include sabotage as part of their warfare planning. Nonetheless, hundreds of electrical utilities in the United States have not acted to protect themselves from EMP, and they cannot be expected to do so voluntarily since homeland security is a government responsibility. The President, the Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the States, the utilities, and the private sector should work together on an urgent basis to enact Republican legislation, pending in both chambers, to protect the national grid and encourage states to take the initiative to protect their own grids expeditiously.” We live in a world where technology is crucial for our survival. Most of our everyday activities, from flipping a switch to make the lights come on - to obtaining our food, depend on technology developed over the years. Advanced technology has resulted in invisible infrastructures that make our lives easier and our lifestyles more comfortable. So…What if I told you that in a matter of minutes, one event could simultaneously damage transportation systems…industry and manufacturing…telecommunications and computers… banking and finance…and the infrastructures for food and water throughout the US... EQUAL RIGHTS (Republican Party Platform)
We believe that no individual is entitled to rights that exceed or supersede the God-given individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Utah. "Perhaps you’ve had some truly shockingly cruel things said to you purely because you believe in limited government and fiscal conservatism. Perhaps you not only believe that we should be self-reliant and personally responsible, but also believe that when we are allowed to depend on ourselves, we are stronger, more successful, take greater pride in ourselves and our work, and are more likely to make positive contributions to society. And then we are happier people, or at least more likely to be happier. Which lends to the following theory: Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment... |
AuthorBill Olson Archives
January 2025