Encore post from 10/5/2021
ETHICS AND STANDARDS (Republican Party Platform) “We demand honesty, integrity, morality, and accountability of our public officials. We will work to expose and stop corruption.” The UTGOP does not operate under a Code of Ethics or have an Ethics Committee. The following is a proposal I put together as an SCC sub-committee Chair to address this omission in our governing documents. It fell on deaf ears! The purpose of an Ethics Committee is to enforce all the governing rules of the Party equally among its members. It is fundamental to the success of our republican system of government that all candidates, elected officials, party members and party leaders at all levels of government be independent and impartial, place the public interest above any private interest, and not give any appearance of impropriety. To that end, it is the policy of the Utah Republican Party, and the Utah Republican State Central Committee, to take a leading role in promoting the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and transparency in government. The hallmark of this Code of Ethics is the simple truth that the public interest is and must be supreme for those who hold positions of public trust...
The Utah Republican Party Platform is a statement of our principles and values. What does that mean and why is it important? “Principles are the internal rules we live by while values provide the general guidelines for our conduct within those rules.” So, a principle is a moral rule or belief that helps us know what is right and wrong, and a value describes the personal qualities we choose to guide our actions.
What happens when personal and political interests get in the way of our stated values and principles? You get the modern-day Utah Republican Party. When we as a party focus solely on electing Republicans, we are pursuing our political interest to control congress and the legislature. However, if we are unwilling to strongly voice foundational principles and values that underlie these political interests, we become a joke. Just look at the dumpster fire electing Mitt Romney has created... Seriously...what are the PCR tests testing for?
Virology is the study of viruses and viral diseases. Viruses are microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside a host body so, they don’t benefit by killing the host. Viruses contain the key elements that make up all living organisms, DNA (some contain RNA but never both). The primary role of the virus is to deliver its DNA or RNA genome into the host cell so the genome can be expressed by the host cell. This is when our immune system responds to produce anti-bodies and proteins to do battle. The more the virus genome is expressed, the more it multiplies...the more it multiplies the sicker you get...if it multiplies too much...and you have comorbidity health issues, it could kill. To determine whether a person has a virus, or for that matter which virus, you must test for its presence. To test for its presence, you must identify exactly what you are looking for. To say with any degree of certainty that something exists, you must first determine its origins and uniqueness in nature. You can’t say you have identified a piece of a unicorn…if you haven’t confirmed one actually exists. How do you confirm one exists? You identify it by its DNA or RNA molecules which contain elements of uniqueness not found in any other living organism... The State Central Committee (SCC), as the governing and policy making body of the Utah Republican Party of Utah (UTGOP) is a deliberative assembly. The fundamental rights of deliberative assemblies require all questions to be thoroughly discussed before taking action requiring the assistance of a Registered Parliamentarian while conducting all of its meetings. As a deliberative assembly, “the leader’s role is to facilitate the group in making decisions. The focus is on the will of the members, not the will of the presiding officer.”
After being elected Chairman of UTGOP in 2017, Rob Anderson “contacted the Republican National Committee (RNC) to ask for the best Parliamentarian in the RNC Western States region and they recommended Professional Registered Parliamentarian, Carrie Dickson.” She has since served as the official parliamentarian for Rob Anderson as he conducts the meetings of the UTGOP SCC. (For the record, Carrie Dickson has been providing her services as a professional parliamentarian to the UTGOP for years). The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) is the national body that certifies Professional Registered Parliamentarians, including Ms. Dickson. According to their website, “NAP’s members are Professional Registered Parliamentarians…who have reached the highest level of proficiency in the practice of parliamentary procedure.” |
AuthorBill Olson Archives
January 2025