Under SB54, we were forced to surrender our ballot…but we will not surrender our votes, endorsement, or the precious resources necessary to fulfill our mission as Republicans.As members of the Utah Republican Party (UTGOP), “we are grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, desiring to perpetuate principles of free government and the blessings of liberty to our posterity.” Our State Party Constitution, our County Party Bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order Current Edition are the exclusive governing rules of the WCGOP.
Our general purpose is to “nominate and support the election of Republican candidates in partisan races for public office, promote the principles set forth in the State Party Platform, and perform Party functions set forth in the election laws of the State of Utah and the Constitution and Bylaws” of the WCGOP. Our Party has members, officers, delegates, and a County Central Committee (CCC). All have their responsibilities within the Party. The CCC is made up of all county Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs with the closest proximity to party membership. As a deliberative assembly, the CCC’s general purpose is to effectively govern the county Party. The CCC meets to determine, in full and free discussion, courses of action to be taken by the Party. Our governing documents contain a complete set of rules for conducting the Party’s business and establishing the rights of its members. As members of the CCC, we are responsible for following these rules within our governing documents, and ignorance of the contents of our governing documents is not an excuse for not following them. We can and will be held accountable for their content no matter how familiar we are with them.
AuthorBill Olson Archives
January 2025