The January 27, 2017 State Central Committee Meeting of the UTGOP
The Utah Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC), by constitutional authority, is "the governing and policy making body of the Party." Think of like this...the SCC is the legislative branch of the Party and the Chairman is the Executive branch of the Party. While, the Chairman is elected as chief executive, by state delegates sent from their county precincts, to preside over meetings of the State Executive and Central Committees and State conventions, the SCC members are elected by their county delegates to represent their county precincts as the governing and policy making body of the Party. According to the UTGOP constitution, ALL authority rests in the legislative body (SCC). Any authority claimed by the executive branch (Chairman) must be explicitly granted by the SCC only. If constitutional authority is not explicitly granted it does not exist. Who is right? ...and who is wrong? In yesterday's SCC meeting, the first order of business brought to the floor concerned the body's approval of the minutes for the December 16, 2017, Special SCC meeting. A necessary procedure required for the actions taken in that meeting to be authorized. SCC member Kirby Glad made a motion, without precedence, to suspend the rules and accept the minutes of the meeting. Rob Anderson, Chair of UTGOP, immediately ignored the motion and declared the December 16, 2017, Special SCC meeting invalid. This ruling essentially ignored the accomplishments of that meeting, which included ratifying the generous offer from Dave Bateman to extinguish the SB54 debt, and made acceptance of the minutes unnecessary as, under the Chair’s ruling, they did not exist. Now before we get into the details of what happened next, I think it is important for us to review the process of the SCC conducting its business as a deliberative assembly and the rules established to govern that process.
AuthorBill Olson Archives
February 2025