Whether you're presiding over a meeting of 2,500 members or a small board or committee meeting, your job is the same when it comes to the goal of successfully managing a meeting. And to ensure that you manage successfully, here are some tips to help you establish yourself as a knowledgeable, well-organized and helpful leader.
Tip 1: Know Your Rules One of the best ways to establish your credibility as a leader is to know your rules. If you don't, your members will know it. No feeling is quite as bad as standing in front of a room full of people who know more about your job than you do. For what it's worth, General Robert was in that position once, too. After his experience, he wrote a book on the rules! To avoid being caught unprepared, make sure you're well read on your group's charter, bylaws, special rules of order, and parliamentary authority. No one other than a person who has held your office before you (and your parliamentarian) should know as much about these rules as you do. Tip 2: Plan Your Meetings Nothing benefits you and your group as much as being prepared for your meetings. Planning your meeting in as much detail as possible assures the best chance of completing the agenda within the time available (or at least knowing if you need to hold an adjourned meeting to finish your business). The process of planning your meeting so that you can cover everything you need to cover is much easier if you follow the outline below:
Dear Fellow Republicans and those wishing to join us. For too many years our Republican Party has encouraged participation but has failed to adequately teach and educate those who attain elected positions of responsibility. Weber County Conservatives, a small band of conservatives in the Republican Party have developed this opportunity for all of those interested in understanding how we can come together under our Party platform to be become more productive citizens of our County. Below is our training schedule through our State Convention on April 22, 2023. So far, we have 4 topics (Platform Education, County Delegate Training, State Delegate Training, and Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure). After the State Convention, we will add additional training for Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs on running a successful Caucus as well as understanding their role as a member of the County Central Committee. We will also offer a class on SB54 and how and why it happened. In order to give you a better chance of participating, we have scheduled training at 3 County Libraries, Ogden, Roy, and Huntsville. Classes will be repeated at each location. All rooms are reserved from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Training will be from 6:30pm – 8:00pm with some time for questions and lingering. All rooms will comfortably hold 80 - 100 attendees. The Public is invited. Tell a friend. Weber County Conservatives was established to promote, protect, and defend our Republican Conservative Values & Principles. Join us. About the presenter: Bill Olson, founder of Weber County Conservatives, is a member of the Weber County Republican Party, he has served as a County and State delegate, Precinct Chair and Vice Chair, Legislative District Chair and Vice Chair, and on the County Executive Committee, the County Central Committee, and the State Central Committee. He is well read and active in political debate.
According to the Weber County Republican Party Bylaws, “the power to conduct Party business” is “vested in the County Central Committee (CCC).” “The Executive Committee of the Party shall meet at least monthly, to conduct the business of the Party and shall be subject to direction from the CCC.” By vesting the CCC with the “policy making” duties, the Party intended for those closest to the grass roots of the Party to be the ones responsible for its policy.
Unfortunately, this bylaw has been overlooked by much of local Party leadership for years. The CCC is made up of our County Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs, all elected by their friends and neighbors at their respective caucuses. These elected positions are most closely related to the grass roots membership of our Party. We have an obligation to organize these volunteers and help them understand their roles and responsibilities while assisting them in their duties. The Bylaw committee and the Executive committee, who meet often, fiddle with our governing documents based on unknown interests until a hastily called meeting of the CCC is scheduled. Then, without much warning or understanding, the committees spring their suggested changes on the CCC for an up and down vote of approval without debate. According to our governing rules, “all business conducted by the CCC shall adhere to the rules of parliamentary procedure…” That’s because the CCC is a deliberative assembly and deliberative assemblies deliberate, meaning they exhaust all debate before a decision or vote is made. Absent a parliamentarian, there is no chance for committee members to effectively participate in debate. Without participation, interest lags resulting in frustration and then people scatter...some never coming back. |
AuthorBill Olson Archives
February 2025