Hello delegates! I’m Bill Olson, candidate for Weber County Commissioner. By now, most all of you have read my emails, talked with me personally or on the phone, watched my videos or visited my website so you know my position on the issues. I thank you for that. Today, I would like to remind us all about who we are. The Utah Republican Party Platform is a statement of our principles and values. What does that mean and why is it important? Principles are the internal rules we live by to determine what is right and wrong, while values provide the general guidelines for our conduct within those rules.
What happens when personal and political interests get in the way of our stated values and principles? I’m afraid, you get the modern-day Utah Republican Party. There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. When we as a party focus solely on electing Republicans, we are pursuing our political interest to control congress, the legislature, and our county commissions. However, if we are unwilling to strongly voice foundational principles and values that underlie these political interests, we are not being honest with ourselves. How in the world did the Utah Republican Party square with a recent candidate’s stand on abortion? As articulated in our party platform, our principle is Pro Life. “We believe all human life is sacred and believe the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.” Our values associated with this principle include opposing "abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the public funding of any of these practices.” Somehow...a candidate who fundamentally and publicly disagrees with this principle is elected as a Republican in Utah. There is only one explanation…our Party has prioritized its political interests over its very own values and principles. If Republicans are unwilling to strongly voice foundational principles and values that underlie every interest we work to protect, the Republican Party will die. As it dies, it will suck the life out of every effort to oppose the Evil Empire occupying Washington D.C. There simply will not be enough time to build a third party to carry the torch and the "the spark of American liberty will go out." We must have a Republican Party that stands for something of foundational importance: …Liberty. That means smaller government with fewer departments. It means lower taxes. It means true Federalism, with a clear understanding of enumerated powers and the Tenth Amendment. It means that the law means what it meant when it was enacted. And it means that you do not let your personal or political interest undermine the very principles and values we hold dear as conservative Republicans. Please, get to know our Republican Party Platform, use these values and principles in our platform to measure a candidate’s commitment to the Party as well as to our community. When our political interests are filtered through our values first, in support of our stated principles, we can elect real Republicans that will strengthen our Constitutional Republic. As your commissioner, I will govern from our platform. I will stand for known science and our constitution against unelected bureaucrats who are unfamiliar with both. I will work hard to protect & defend the integrity of public safety and law enforcement …and I will promote policies that allow for small businesses to thrive. As your commissioner, I will work hard to maximize government efficiency. That means doing more with less. It means maximizing services while minimizing the resources to produce those services…And it means maintaining or improving quality over time. These are metrics used to maximize profits in business. Why must they be lost on government? As your commissioner, I will not vote for any new tax unless I am convinced the current budgets are being used as efficiently as possible and the additional need as presented, is within the proper role of government. Thank you, delegates…I’m Bill Olson, candidate for Weber County Commissioner…and I ask for your vote.
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AuthorBill Olson Archives
February 2025