Why after the constant demands from the National RNC, Election Integrity organizations worldwide, and our own SCC demanding paper ballots, we find ourselves again, doing a method other than paper ballots.
The SCC is the Governing Body of the Party
Election Integrity is compromised by electronic voting.
The Election Committee is overstepping its authority. The SCC is being ignored! SIGN THE PETITION TO DEMAND WE USE PAPER BALLOTS AT CONVENTION |
As concerned state delegates of the Utah Republican Party (URP), we are demanding, per our rules, the Party follow the SCC's policy of paper ballots in the upcoming 2024 nominating convention for all votes taken. Voice or standing votes can still be used for resolutions or Constitution and Bylaw changes.
As a Delegate you are probably aware the SCC is the Policy Making Body of the Party, not leadership...and not any committee or chair of any committee. In fact the SCC directs the Executive Committee as well.
ALL PARTY COMMITTEES, including the Convention Committee, of the Republican Party are "recommending bodies only." After advising the SCC, the SCC makes policy and...the SCC has established paper balloting.
Please sign the Petition to direct Party leadership to follow the rules and use numbered paper ballots at Convention in 2024...and please read below for additional information regarding our election integrity.
As a Delegate you are probably aware the SCC is the Policy Making Body of the Party, not leadership...and not any committee or chair of any committee. In fact the SCC directs the Executive Committee as well.
ALL PARTY COMMITTEES, including the Convention Committee, of the Republican Party are "recommending bodies only." After advising the SCC, the SCC makes policy and...the SCC has established paper balloting.
Please sign the Petition to direct Party leadership to follow the rules and use numbered paper ballots at Convention in 2024...and please read below for additional information regarding our election integrity.
If you are a state delegate, click and sign here!
Click here to see Paper Ballot Petition Signers
Click here to see Paper Ballot Petition Signers
Convention Voting must Comply with
Utah Republican Party Bylaws
Paper Ballots: The SCC’s Choice
Besides fully complying with URP Bylaws, paper ballots was nearly the unanimous choice of the SCC at our Jan 2023 meeting under Chairman Jorgensen.
No contrary vote has passed since then.
The SCC is “the governing and policy making body” of the URP.
Yet, the SCC was unconstitutionally ignored
No contrary vote has passed since then.
The SCC is “the governing and policy making body” of the URP.
Yet, the SCC was unconstitutionally ignored
URP & RNC Call for Paper Ballots
Just like in 2023, the 2024 URP SCC Calls for Paper Ballots at Convention.
Voter Trust, Rules & the SCC
There’s 3 main reasons to use paper ballots:
- Voters trust paper ballots, especially with security measures built in
- Only numbered paper ballots fully comply with our Utah Republican Party Constitution and Bylaws
- The URP, SCC & RNC have ALL voted for using paper ballots in all elections in 2024
Voters Don’t Trust Elections
We MUST win the confidence of our customers back: URP Candidates and Voters
A majority of voters still believe cheating is likely to affect this year’s election, and don’t think government officials have done enough to protect election integrity.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters say cheating is likely to affect the outcome of the next presidential election, including 27% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say election cheating is unlikely to affect the 2024 outcome, including 16% who consider it Not At All Likely. Another 11% are not sure. Concerns are slightly down from last November, when 56% said cheating was likely to affect this year’s presidential election. LINK TO Election Integrity: 56% Say Cheating Likely in 2024 (To see survey question wording, go to:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters say cheating is likely to affect the outcome of the next presidential election, including 27% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say election cheating is unlikely to affect the 2024 outcome, including 16% who consider it Not At All Likely. Another 11% are not sure. Concerns are slightly down from last November, when 56% said cheating was likely to affect this year’s presidential election. LINK TO Election Integrity: 56% Say Cheating Likely in 2024 (To see survey question wording, go to:
Only ONE Method of Balloting Authorized for the URP
Other methods have been used, but only one is fully compliant with the Utah Republican Party Constitution and Bylaws and that is PAPER BALLOTS!
Advantages of Paper Ballots
- Paper ballots are trusted. They are well understood and have been used for generations
- The Utah Republican Party should be the “Gold Standard” example to Utah
- Sequentially numbered ballots allow easy detection of duplicate (copied) ballots
- Poll watchers can watch ballots as they are counted, they can challenge in real time
- Paper ballots are available for recount and examination
- Clickers and phone votes don’t allow for such examination or recount
- Fraudulent attempts to vote more than 1 ballot are easily spotted
Our bylaws say:
“There will be no absentee or proxy voting.” Bylaw 8.5 M. 6.
“Voting will be conducted in the convention hall” Bylaw 8.5 M. 8.
- Voters need no training on how to use paper ballots
- There are no technical problems with paper, no one can hack them or disrupt voting
- Paper ballots protect the secret ballot required by Utah law
Eyewitness account of clicker abuse/cheating at the 2022 convention. CD-1 was close and some clickers voted in all 4 CD elections. Clickers were stolen and used.
A trained counting team with just an hour’s experience can count 400 ballots in less than 10 minutes and verify the results!
2024 URP State Convention Candidate Preferences
2024 Candidates Support Paper Ballots
US Senate Candidates Trent Staggs & Carolyn Phippen both support recountable paper ballots.
Gubernatorial Candidates Phil Lyman & Sylvia Miera-Fisk prefer numbered paper ballots.
Utah State House District 10 Candidate Ignacio Valdez when asked his preference of paper, clicker or phone replied: “Paper is king. We can always come back and recount, it’s more transparent. An app can always be manipulated.”
Gubernatorial Candidates Phil Lyman & Sylvia Miera-Fisk prefer numbered paper ballots.
Utah State House District 10 Candidate Ignacio Valdez when asked his preference of paper, clicker or phone replied: “Paper is king. We can always come back and recount, it’s more transparent. An app can always be manipulated.”
RNC, URP & SCC Support Election Integrity
Lara Trump:
Protecting the Vote in November Election Is Top RNC Priority
Protecting the Vote in November Election Is Top RNC Priority
‘We can never allow what happened in 2020 and the questions surrounding that election to ever happen again,’ the RNC’s new co-chair said.
“We have three pillars that we need to focus on at the RNC to ensure victory on November 5:
- Turn out the vote,
- Protect the vote,
- Raise money,”
“But I would argue that maybe the most important of those three is protecting the vote,
election integrity.”
“We have three pillars that we need to focus on at the RNC to ensure victory on November 5:
- Turn out the vote,
- Protect the vote,
- Raise money,”
“But I would argue that maybe the most important of those three is protecting the vote,
election integrity.”
External Ratings on Election Integrity
From the National Republican Party
As Adopted by the Republican National Committee
WHEREAS, To present a formal Resolution from the Republican National Committee for declared opposition to voting manipulation schemes and to return to the functional and historic balloting and polling experience that Americans understand, appreciate, and love;
WHEREAS, The mission of the Republican Party is to act as the party that encourages and allows the broadest possible participation to all voters and to assure that the Republican Party is open and accessible to all Americans;
WHEREAS, Ensuring the integrity of our voting and election administration is critical and foundational to maintaining a civil and decent society decentralized from a federal government as the Founders intended;
WHEREAS, Americans expect accurate and swift determinations as it pertains to elections and the administration of elections;
WHEREAS, Elections have been under assault from those on the Left as they attempt to implement schemes and intentionally inject chaotic administrative changes that have drastically changed how elections are conducted in hundreds of the most populous counties and regions across the nation;
WHEREAS, Election officials are obligated to apply polling place access equitably in states, and should not eliminate polling places in order and to move to “vote center” models that make polling place access more difficult in more conservative areas;
WHEREAS, Democrats are passing non-citizen voting laws in liberal cities, which the Republican National Committee has previously resolved to oppose and ensure only United States citizens decide our elections;
WHEREAS, Republican officials are explicitly asking for decisive direction and support from the national Republican apparatus and elected Republican leadership;
WHEREAS, The grassroots activists of the Republican Party have discovered and made it abundantly clear that there are recognized problems with electronic election procedures and intentional complications of instituted systems that complicate, belabor, and slow down our election processes;
WHEREAS, Election experts agree that the most resilient voting systems use paper ballots, either marked by hand or with an assistive device, and are verified by the voter before any means of tabulation; and
WHEREAS, The Republican National Committee has unanimously opposed complicated election schemes like Ranked Choice Voting that is a clear example of the chaos being pushed on our states and territories; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee boldly opposes means of voting that do not have the proper safeguards in place and are exclusively electronic and calls on every county and state in the nation to use as the default ballot systems, which are fully auditable, namely hand-marked, voter-verified paper ballots to ensure every voter is memorialized by a paper record;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on secretaries of state of each state to implement anti- counterfeit ballot printing, tracing and verification procedures;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee formed a special Election Integrity Committee designed to offer ideas, suggestions and reports on election equipment and voting procedures and it will integrate its findings of best practices through the Election Integrity Department and communicating its findings on voting schemes, balloting systems, election equipment, and safeguards to elected officials, candidates, and voters;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee supports the rights of counties and states that are willing and able to competently and efficiently implement voting procedures that do not require the use of machines and those that implement hand counting procedures that are fully auditable;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on state legislatures, county, and municipal governments to pass laws and municipal codes and rules that allow for full transparent hand-counting procedures that are planned, timely and fully observable by the public and the registered parties for geographically defined audits and recounts;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on all Republican officeholders to defend the historic practice of geographically-defined and assigned precinct, ward and localized polling places for means of balloting and tabulating paper ballots by geographic unit;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee stands firmly behind voter identification laws and calls on state legislatures to pass laws to ensure every voter is verified to be the actual voter regardless of method in which they vote at the time of voting, casting, or delivering a ballot;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee hereby opposes any and all efforts for states to unreasonably expand time periods for early or vote-by-mail that makes ballot counting procedures intentionally unmanageable or incapable to complete expeditiously following the conclusion of an election on election day;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls for elimination of temporary or ‘pop-up’ voting locations, drop boxes, and any other voting center that are not fairly defined and bound to a designated geographic territory and where voting locations exist, namely by precinct, so that voting is accessible equitably by legal precinct, ward or defined geographic unit in order to provide impartial access for all voters; and
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls for a necessary “return to excellence” or in other words, a return to the simple and proven methods of precinct, ward or geographically-defined localized voting with auditable balloting procedures using paper ballots, in fair, reasonable limited time periods, using proper identification to strengthen voter confidence and to ensure that American election procedures can be a fair and open process for all to participate.
WHEREAS, To present a formal Resolution from the Republican National Committee for declared opposition to voting manipulation schemes and to return to the functional and historic balloting and polling experience that Americans understand, appreciate, and love;
WHEREAS, The mission of the Republican Party is to act as the party that encourages and allows the broadest possible participation to all voters and to assure that the Republican Party is open and accessible to all Americans;
WHEREAS, Ensuring the integrity of our voting and election administration is critical and foundational to maintaining a civil and decent society decentralized from a federal government as the Founders intended;
WHEREAS, Americans expect accurate and swift determinations as it pertains to elections and the administration of elections;
WHEREAS, Elections have been under assault from those on the Left as they attempt to implement schemes and intentionally inject chaotic administrative changes that have drastically changed how elections are conducted in hundreds of the most populous counties and regions across the nation;
WHEREAS, Election officials are obligated to apply polling place access equitably in states, and should not eliminate polling places in order and to move to “vote center” models that make polling place access more difficult in more conservative areas;
WHEREAS, Democrats are passing non-citizen voting laws in liberal cities, which the Republican National Committee has previously resolved to oppose and ensure only United States citizens decide our elections;
WHEREAS, Republican officials are explicitly asking for decisive direction and support from the national Republican apparatus and elected Republican leadership;
WHEREAS, The grassroots activists of the Republican Party have discovered and made it abundantly clear that there are recognized problems with electronic election procedures and intentional complications of instituted systems that complicate, belabor, and slow down our election processes;
WHEREAS, Election experts agree that the most resilient voting systems use paper ballots, either marked by hand or with an assistive device, and are verified by the voter before any means of tabulation; and
WHEREAS, The Republican National Committee has unanimously opposed complicated election schemes like Ranked Choice Voting that is a clear example of the chaos being pushed on our states and territories; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee boldly opposes means of voting that do not have the proper safeguards in place and are exclusively electronic and calls on every county and state in the nation to use as the default ballot systems, which are fully auditable, namely hand-marked, voter-verified paper ballots to ensure every voter is memorialized by a paper record;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on secretaries of state of each state to implement anti- counterfeit ballot printing, tracing and verification procedures;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee formed a special Election Integrity Committee designed to offer ideas, suggestions and reports on election equipment and voting procedures and it will integrate its findings of best practices through the Election Integrity Department and communicating its findings on voting schemes, balloting systems, election equipment, and safeguards to elected officials, candidates, and voters;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee supports the rights of counties and states that are willing and able to competently and efficiently implement voting procedures that do not require the use of machines and those that implement hand counting procedures that are fully auditable;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on state legislatures, county, and municipal governments to pass laws and municipal codes and rules that allow for full transparent hand-counting procedures that are planned, timely and fully observable by the public and the registered parties for geographically defined audits and recounts;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on all Republican officeholders to defend the historic practice of geographically-defined and assigned precinct, ward and localized polling places for means of balloting and tabulating paper ballots by geographic unit;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee stands firmly behind voter identification laws and calls on state legislatures to pass laws to ensure every voter is verified to be the actual voter regardless of method in which they vote at the time of voting, casting, or delivering a ballot;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee hereby opposes any and all efforts for states to unreasonably expand time periods for early or vote-by-mail that makes ballot counting procedures intentionally unmanageable or incapable to complete expeditiously following the conclusion of an election on election day;
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls for elimination of temporary or ‘pop-up’ voting locations, drop boxes, and any other voting center that are not fairly defined and bound to a designated geographic territory and where voting locations exist, namely by precinct, so that voting is accessible equitably by legal precinct, ward or defined geographic unit in order to provide impartial access for all voters; and
RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls for a necessary “return to excellence” or in other words, a return to the simple and proven methods of precinct, ward or geographically-defined localized voting with auditable balloting procedures using paper ballots, in fair, reasonable limited time periods, using proper identification to strengthen voter confidence and to ensure that American election procedures can be a fair and open process for all to participate.
The Heritage Foundation ranks Utah tied for 32nd place on election integrity in 2024. That’s up from tied for 37th.
State Scorecard: UTAH 53 Points Rank 32
We Can Do Better!
Utah Should be the example for all States to follow!
Utah Should be the example for all States to follow!
Ballot Security: Sequentially Numbered with Logo & Colors
Advantages of Paper Ballots (2)
Printing paper ballots has no conflict of interest; Electronic voting cannot say the same. With paper ballots, we aren’t renting clickers or selling the state on private interest phone voting solutions.
2023 SCC Vote overwhelmingly passed calling for paper ballot use at Convention
Per the URP Constitution the SCC is “the governing and policy-making body of the Party”.
2024 Election Integrity Resolution passed the SCC and it calls for a return to paper ballots
Virtually all County Republican Party Conventions use paper ballots without complaints. It makes spotting anyone attempting to vote more than one ballot easy
We don’t want people’s phones infected or the party disgraced like what happened at caucus when we tried this! Maybe someday the tech will be ready and secure, but we aren’t there.
Frustrated voter at caucus: “Why do I need a phone to vote”
Games Chairs can play with opening/closing balloting (timing), waiting for the right votes. Clickers or phones are not necessarily faster.
If you examine the URP Constitution and Bylaws you can see they were written with paper ballots in mind, with all voting done in the “Convention Hall” and with poll watchers watching physical ballots being counted. Anything else but paper is a twisting of the URP rules.
2023 SCC Vote overwhelmingly passed calling for paper ballot use at Convention
Per the URP Constitution the SCC is “the governing and policy-making body of the Party”.
2024 Election Integrity Resolution passed the SCC and it calls for a return to paper ballots
Virtually all County Republican Party Conventions use paper ballots without complaints. It makes spotting anyone attempting to vote more than one ballot easy
We don’t want people’s phones infected or the party disgraced like what happened at caucus when we tried this! Maybe someday the tech will be ready and secure, but we aren’t there.
Frustrated voter at caucus: “Why do I need a phone to vote”
Games Chairs can play with opening/closing balloting (timing), waiting for the right votes. Clickers or phones are not necessarily faster.
If you examine the URP Constitution and Bylaws you can see they were written with paper ballots in mind, with all voting done in the “Convention Hall” and with poll watchers watching physical ballots being counted. Anything else but paper is a twisting of the URP rules.
Example 2: Weber County Convention 2023 Example
297 Paper Ballots Counted/Tallied/Reported in 10 minutes
8 Counters at 4 tables with 4 observers and ~3 independent poll watchers.
4 SCC Candidates
No contested results, no complaints!
(Times documented from contemporaneous texting of start/finish voting and counting times)
8 Counters at 4 tables with 4 observers and ~3 independent poll watchers.
4 SCC Candidates
- 1st Round took 9 minutes for the voting, 14 minutes to count. Slower due to time to find a key for one box.
- 2nd Round of voting was 7 minutes, 10 minutes to count/tally/report
No contested results, no complaints!
(Times documented from contemporaneous texting of start/finish voting and counting times)
Ballot Counting Process used at Weber County Convention 2023.
Scalable to State Convention
Provides Transperency, Real Time Oversite and Scalability
Ballot Counting: This row depicts the process of collections with Clear Boxes for transparency, a table with 4-5 volunteers, and candidate representatives, again for transparency, and real-time oversite. The number of table represent your ability to scale.
Tally Sheet Summation: This section depicts the flow of “problem” ballots and their Curing or Adjudication. It allows for candidate representatives, for transparency, and real-time oversite, and security.
Tally Sheet Verification: This section provides Ballot Resolution via Election Judges and a Parliamentarian. Again, for transparency, and real-time over-site.
Documenting Results and Announcement: Deliver a fair election.
Ballot Tally Sheet (Record)
The Counters & Observers agree in real time
Private Canvass Shows Problems in Utah
2024 State Convention Resolution
WHEREAS, Dedicated focus on the important matter of secure and accurate public elections is a worthy endeavor and,
WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has made election integrity a prime focus in the 2024 elections1 partly due to problems encountered in the 2020 election cycle and due to GOP voter distrust of election integrity and,
WHEREAS, polls show2 a majority of US voters do not trust that our elections are conducted securely enough to prohibit or satisfactorily punish fraud or cheating in elections3. 20% of US voters admit to cheating with mail-in ballots.
WHEREAS, Confidence in Utah elections is critical to ensure citizens vote and can have faith and trust in election outcomes and enjoy a State Executive who is appropriately neutral in races and,
WHEREAS, An independent, private multi-County Utah canvass4 showed widespread (13% of those responding) problems with excess ballots, improper voting, lost votes and other errors significant enough to change election outcomes, and,
WHEREAS, 47 US States currently employ an independently elected Secretary of State to oversee election matters, as Utah once did. Further, there is a need for increased focus and a call from the RNC and the UTGOP via the 2024 “Excellence In Voting” SCC resolution on election integrity, and,
WHEREAS, Sole reliance on County Clerks or the Lieutenant Governor's (LG’s) office to call for full hand recounts when indicated has not enhanced candidate or voter trust in election outcomes.5 Candidates need the ability to independently trigger full hand-recounts even if there is some cost to them,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Utah Republican Party calls upon our Legislature to once again adopt our former model of having an independently elected and individually accountable Secretary of State to oversee our critical public elections while retaining the LG’s office for other duties.
RESOLVED, The Utah Republican Party calls upon our legislature to enable candidates to independently require a full hand recount of ballots when races are within 5% if that candidate will pay towards said recount the reasonable amount the Legislature shall set except if they win the recount there shall be no cost to them.
Upon passage our Utah Republican Party Chair shall ensure a copy of this resolution is posted on our website for not less than 2 years and emailed to GOP members of the Utah Legislature and elected members of the Executive Branch.
Sponsor: Bob McEntee, MSC01, 801-695-7511. Cosponsors: Chad Saunders, Kriss Martenson, Blair Brandenburg, Blaine Nay, David Mallinak, Maryann Christensen, Alison Matherne, Janice W. Legler, Teena Horlacher, Tenna Hartman, Chase Leavitt, Marci Green Campbell, Whit Cook, Bruce Kupfer, April Pinkston, Connie Peterson, Casey Gale, Shannon McInnes, Tracie Halverson, Kim F. Coleman, Brian Gray, Mary Burkett Goulding, Nate Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Daniel Badal // William Olson, Jennifer Ellis Eaves, Britshana Barfuss, Angela Applonie
April 27th 2024
WHEREAS, Dedicated focus on the important matter of secure and accurate public elections is a worthy endeavor and,
WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has made election integrity a prime focus in the 2024 elections1 partly due to problems encountered in the 2020 election cycle and due to GOP voter distrust of election integrity and,
WHEREAS, polls show2 a majority of US voters do not trust that our elections are conducted securely enough to prohibit or satisfactorily punish fraud or cheating in elections3. 20% of US voters admit to cheating with mail-in ballots.
WHEREAS, Confidence in Utah elections is critical to ensure citizens vote and can have faith and trust in election outcomes and enjoy a State Executive who is appropriately neutral in races and,
WHEREAS, An independent, private multi-County Utah canvass4 showed widespread (13% of those responding) problems with excess ballots, improper voting, lost votes and other errors significant enough to change election outcomes, and,
WHEREAS, 47 US States currently employ an independently elected Secretary of State to oversee election matters, as Utah once did. Further, there is a need for increased focus and a call from the RNC and the UTGOP via the 2024 “Excellence In Voting” SCC resolution on election integrity, and,
WHEREAS, Sole reliance on County Clerks or the Lieutenant Governor's (LG’s) office to call for full hand recounts when indicated has not enhanced candidate or voter trust in election outcomes.5 Candidates need the ability to independently trigger full hand-recounts even if there is some cost to them,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Utah Republican Party calls upon our Legislature to once again adopt our former model of having an independently elected and individually accountable Secretary of State to oversee our critical public elections while retaining the LG’s office for other duties.
RESOLVED, The Utah Republican Party calls upon our legislature to enable candidates to independently require a full hand recount of ballots when races are within 5% if that candidate will pay towards said recount the reasonable amount the Legislature shall set except if they win the recount there shall be no cost to them.
Upon passage our Utah Republican Party Chair shall ensure a copy of this resolution is posted on our website for not less than 2 years and emailed to GOP members of the Utah Legislature and elected members of the Executive Branch.
Sponsor: Bob McEntee, MSC01, 801-695-7511. Cosponsors: Chad Saunders, Kriss Martenson, Blair Brandenburg, Blaine Nay, David Mallinak, Maryann Christensen, Alison Matherne, Janice W. Legler, Teena Horlacher, Tenna Hartman, Chase Leavitt, Marci Green Campbell, Whit Cook, Bruce Kupfer, April Pinkston, Connie Peterson, Casey Gale, Shannon McInnes, Tracie Halverson, Kim F. Coleman, Brian Gray, Mary Burkett Goulding, Nate Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Daniel Badal // William Olson, Jennifer Ellis Eaves, Britshana Barfuss, Angela Applonie
April 27th 2024
Call to Action--Email
Please, immediately, email your Utah Republican Party Leadership to request numbered paper ballots for Convention:
[email protected] (Elections Chair Dan Burton)
[email protected] (Convention Chair Nikki Brammer)
[email protected] (URP Chair Rob Axson)
[email protected] (URP Vice Kim Coleman)
[email protected] (Elections Chair Dan Burton)
[email protected] (Convention Chair Nikki Brammer)
[email protected] (URP Chair Rob Axson)
[email protected] (URP Vice Kim Coleman)